Destination ImagiNation (DI)
Destination ImagiNation® is a community-based, school-friendly program. It packages the ideas of creativity, problem-solving and teamwork in a fun and meaningful program. DI is based on the concept of divergent thinking — understanding that there is more than one way to solve a problem. The program encourages children to build on their strengths and to discover skills they never knew they possessed, be they technical, theatrical, analytical, comic, linguistic, musical … the list goes on.
Destination ImagiNation at Elk Creek Elementary
The Destination Imagination program at Elk Creek School is growing. We already know that we will have 7 teams for the 2024-2025 season. Last year our teams did very well at the Jeffco and Colorado State tournaments. Our fifth-grade team went on to Global Finals and took 11th place in the world. More importantly, however were the skills the children took away in things like teamwork, engineering, and time management to name a few.
Team managers
Many Elk Creek students would like to get involved in DI. The number of students who can participate is limited by finding adults who can become team managers.
Visit the national and Colorado websites to learn more about the program. Interested parents, guardians and Elk Creek Elementary community members can contact the team to get involved. The DI team host will be more than happy to discuss the program and provide any initial training needed.
Contact Us
Laurie Woulfe